Hi, I’m Melanie Warren. I Help Women Entrepreneurs Create Top-of-Mind Brand Authority
… so they can increase profitability, scale to the next level, and take back their lives (especially if running a business isn’t the only thing they do).
Text me! 978-733-0129
Brands Helped


Rolling Stone


Forbes Council

Fast Co.





Are You in a Dysfunctional Relationship with Your Business?
“Start your own business,” they said.
“You’ll be free,” they said.
“Travel the world. Work from the beach. Live the high life.”
It sounded so appealing.
But then the reality set in.
It’s long days and longer nights. Rushing from important business meetings (on Zoom, of course) to the kitchen sink to run a load of dishes before the kids get home.
Clients. Vendors. Friends. Colleagues. Family. The list of things pulling you in a thousand directions goes on…
“How did this business get so out of control?”
But amazingly… the business grew.
And you grew with it.
Getting stronger together.
Your business grew in revenue (and even profitability).
You grew in all the ways you’re forced to grow as an entrepreneur. (The learning curve was so steep!)
But somewhere along the way, the business took over your life.
And one day, you found yourself at a pivotal moment.
You could chuck it all and walk away. (And maybe catch a moment for yourself.)
Or you could dig in, 10x everything, set “big hairy audacious goals,” and hope that something breaks loose before you do.
Why Try So Hard to Beat the Odds?
Women have an uncanny knack for beating the odds and bringing their families along for the ride.
Studies show that women grow their businesses faster and create more jobs than men.
They create products and services that improve women’s lives… and everyone else’s too.
They fight ageism and sexism by being shining examples of what’s possible.
They innovate, dream big, and inspire others.
But sadly, they often do it all alone.
And that’s the problem.
The more isolated women become in the name of “getting it right,” the less access they have to community, balance, resources, tools… and even a sense of sanity.
Eventually, this becomes a downward spiral.
Best case, the business stagnates and never reaches its full potential.
Worst case, the business becomes a monster that takes over their lives… or they shut it down because of burnout.
If that sounds like you, I have good news.
The solution is easier (and more intuitive) than you might think
Here’s the thing…
You can discover a clear direction for how to grow your business in a way that aligns with your personal values.
You can implement the RIGHT systems and processes so your business can be more efficient (and you can take a moment to breathe).
Most importantly, your business does not have to take over your life for it to be successful.
If you set it up the right way…
You can:
- Reignite the joy you once felt in your business
- Get an uncommon edge to spot hidden opportunities
- Be financially and emotionally resilient
- Confidently handle unforeseen challenges
- Position yourself and your business for the next level of growth
And I’m here to help you do it.
Before we go any further, here are a few things you should know about me
- I’m a business growth coach, marketing strategist, direct response copywriter, and mother of 5 (yes, 5!).
- I’ve worked with clients ranging from solopreneurs to major media brands.
- I’ve sold over $3 million in high-ticket, in-person seminars (across 2 years).
- I’ve created, consulted and co-led over 500 educational, invitational, and sales webinars.
- I’m the founder of Place Mastery, a digital marketing consulting firm for women-owned businesses and entrepreneurs whose products improve the quality of women’s lives.
- I use motivational interviewing skills and resiliency tools to work with businesses and owners almost as though they were a “couple.” After all, whatever rocks your world, impacts the business and vice versa.
- I’m the author of The 9 Buyers System: How to Increase Sales by Answering Your Customer’s 9 Hidden Questions, The Place Mastery Method: How to Build a Thriving Online Community in 12 Easy Steps, and a children’s book: Princess Audria’s Paintbrush.
But I didn’t get here overnight.
Here’s my story.
Here are the 3 ways I can help you grow your business
Need personalized support? Apply for one of the limited private coaching opportunities directly with me. We’ll work together to bring your business into harmony with your lifestyle, without sacrificing profit.
Want to grow with other women entrepreneurs? Join The Women’s Circle group coaching program where my team and I will give you all the support you need to grow a thriving business you love.
Need done-for-you branded web copy, sales pages, or email campaigns? Apply to work with the Place Mastery team and we’ll help you grow your revenue with messaging that resonates.
Featured Report
The Ultimate Guide to the Women’s Health Market
A Deep Dive into Marketing and Messaging for Women’s Healthcare Technology Businesses

Podcast Interviews
Published Articles
2022 New Year’s Goals (vs. What I Actually Spend My Time On… Gold Rush, I’m Looking at You.)
Beyond USP: How to Magnetize Your Offer and Attract Ideal Customers by Overlaying the 3 “Worlds” of Marketing
The Difference between Search and SEO, and Why It Matters for Marketers
How to Create a Content Strategy that Supports Your Business Objectives
Here’s What Clients Are Saying
"Melanie Warren has unique and immensely valuable insights into customer psychology. Couple that with her top-tier copywriting skills and you've got a massive advantage with her in your corner."
Kevin Rogers
"Melanie Warren did a great job helping us hone the offer and craft the messaging for the Titanides' Expert Positioning Mastery Course.
She's brilliant at putting herself into the position of your prospect. She can tap into their deepest desires and describe them in a way that speaks directly to their heart."
Marcella Allison
"I watched Melanie Warren's video and downloaded her ebook, and used that information to write some Facebook ads for my client. Last I checked, they already made about $1100 off $100 ad spend."